what is dogs shock collar


dogs shock collar training

When it comes to dog training, dogs shock collar can be an effective tool. However, they must be used correctly and safely if you train your dog with them. In this article I show how to use dogs shock collar to achieve this goal.
dogs shock collar is an electric dog collar that sends a shock to the dog when they do something wrong. Most of these types of collars are available with various levels of impact that can be administered, and must be set correctly for the size of the dog. Shock will be sent by the sender to the receiver collar. You control the transmitter to send signals when your dog does something you disagree.
It's a simple idea - any dog ​​does something wrong, you send a shock to the dog. They could not understand at first, but if they do it again and get shocked, they might start to notice a trend. If they do three or four times and received a shock every time they made the same behavior as soon as they are thinking about doing this behavior causes to get shocked. So will they stop doing this behavior.
An electric dog collar can be used to stop all kinds of dysfunction in dogs such as jumping on furniture or a visitor, digging holes in the yard, chewing on things and so on.
It 'important that you have a transmitter with you at all times, so you can manage the interference immediately if the dog misbehaves. It 'important that you start with a shock to the lowest setting possible so as not to send too much electricity to the collar. If the dog does not respond to a small dogs shock collar, and enter the settings.
If the dog starts to panic or become too high after being shocked, then chances are you have the level of shock to many. In this case, be sure to reduce it. You want to discipline your pet, do not get it to panic.
It is important that the impact of dog training collar is used to modify the overflow and not aggressive. Biting and attacking others is something that is not correct with a simple electronic collar. In this case, a professional trainer may be needed.

dogs shock collar training

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